Dear John, Over 60% of clothing sold worldwide contains plastic—in the forms of polyester, acrylic, nylon, spandex, and more. Through regular washing and wearing, synthetic clothing sheds tiny plastic particles called “microfibers.” A single load of laundry can release over 9 million microfibers into our waterways. These microfibers are so small they cannot be filtered by wastewater treatment facilities and ultimately end up in our oceans.
our first webinar of 2023, we will explore how the ubiquitous nature of synthetic textiles is causing a massive and largely invisible plastic pollution problem. We will be joined by Meli Hinostroza, Co-Founder, Aya Eco Fashion & Arms of Andes; Dr. Andrej Kržan, Chief Scientist,
PlanetCare; and Dr. Judith Weis, Professor Emerita of Biological Sciences at Rutgers University. The
conversation will be moderated by Madeleine MacGillivray, Climate and Plastics Campaign Coordinator, Seeding Sovereignty. Date: Thursday, January 12 Time: 2-3 pm PT, 5-6 pm
ET Click here to convert to your timezone. Can't attend the live event? Sign up and we will send you a link to watch the recording afterwards.
Please feel free to share the webinar link with others who may be interested We look forward to your participation. 
Dianna Cohen Co-Founder & CEO Plastic Pollution Coalition |