
Tell Pres. Trump to Reduce Immigration!

Dear activist,

During an interview with Fox News' Laura Ingraham, President Donald Trump defended the excessive number of foreign workers that businesses are hiring (watch video here:

"We need people -- I got Foxconn to go into Wisconsin. They have to get people, they spent a fortune. They built the most incredible plant I've ever seen. In Wisconsin, Foxconn.... but we don't have enough [American workers].

"We don't have enough of them and we have to be competitive with the rest of the world too. The companies want to hire these people and they can't.... I'm talking about brainpower. They want to hire smart people and those people are thrown out of the country."

It's clear that the president doesn't realize that STEM wages are sluggish due to the high number of foreign STEM workers and far too many Americans with advanced degrees are unable to find a job or are working outside their fields of expertise.

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