Dear John,

I hope you’ll be able to join us on Monday August 5th, from 7pm to 9pm, when we’ll continue to plan for the next elections, and resume our discussions on other relevant local and national issues. We’ll start at The Coffee Plant, 180 Portobello Road, London W11 2EB, then go down and across the road afterwards to The Duke of Wellington. The minutes of July’s meeting are attached.

The latest issue of London Green News has been received and we’ll be delivering them in both RBKC and Westminster – plans to do so will be sent out in the not-too-distant future!

Thanks to Alex and Erwin for co-organising our walk along the canal from Camden to Mile End together with Camden Greens. We were lucky to have Dee Searle as our guide. Our next walk, on August 18th, will be along the river from Richmond to Kingston. Details here.

I recommend this film The Race is On which “exposes the shocking assumptions that lie at the heart of all governments' plans to avoid climate breakdown. With contributions from experts and change makers, we tell how humanity can rise to the challenge, and ensure a flourishing future”.

And, finally, a reminder that we’re selecting our General Election candidates on September 16th, provided each of our five constituencies has a self-identifying female nominee. James Hewitt, our Electoral Returning Officer, emailed last week that the deadline for the return of completed forms to him is August 18th; you may, of course, bring them to Monday’s meeting.

Looking forward to seeing you then,
Vivien Lichtenstein
Chair / Coordinator
West Central London Green Party
07528 292808

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