
Friday January 6, 8:00 pm Symposium

Though many may be familiar with the operas of Wolfgang Mozart and Lorenzo DaPonte, very few people are familiar with the real history of Mozart's librettist, the man who brought Dante and the Italian language to America, lived and taught in Pennsylvania and in New York, and became an American citizen in 1828.? In Friday's symposium, LaRouche associate Susan Bowen will discuss Da Ponte and his extensive networks of literary, scientific and American system proponents. Remember George Washington warned in his Farewell Address about the importance of the morality and literacy of the people in a "popular government." We must revive a fight for this high standard again today.

Friday, January 6, 8:00 pm: Lorenzo Da Ponte: Mozart's "American" Librettist

If you haven't yet done so, sign up to join the Sunday, January 8 policy discussion where we will take up the urgent necessity to expose the truth of the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy as a pathway toward making the United States a trustworthy partner to avert world war and establish just relations among nations.



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