Our movement must stand united — especially if the last two days are a sign of things to come.

Ilhan for Congress

Friends —

This week, our team planned to kick off the New Year by celebrating Ilhan's swearing-in for her third term in Congress, and quickly getting back to work fighting for the people of Minnesota's 5th district.

Instead, what we've gotten is an embarrassing display of gridlock and disarray from Kevin McCarthy and the Republican Party.

As of this evening, the People's House still does not have a Speaker, and McCarthy has lost six consecutive leadership votes over the past two days.

Look, we've long known that the GOP are completely unfit to govern, let alone address the important issues facing our country. This dysfunction is just the latest example of that.

One can only hope this historic humiliation is a humbling moment for Kevin McCarthy — but the truth is that we're not exactly counting on it.

Between his promise to kick Ilhan off the Foreign Affairs Committee and now facing fracture and embarrassment from within his own party, the days and weeks ahead have become even more unpredictable, and our fight is far from over.

If we're going to grow our progressive coalition and continue fighting for critical issues like combatting the climate crisis, passing Medicare for All, and lowering prescription drug costs, our movement must stand united — especially if the past two days are a sign of things to come.

That's why we're asking:

Can you make a $3 contribution to Ilhan's re-election campaign today? It's so important that we start building our resources for the fights ahead as soon as possible.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Our movement's continued progress depends on the grassroots support of people like you. Thank you for standing with us — especially today.

In solidarity,

Team Ilhan