While Katie Porter is fighting for us, she’s being lied about by Fox News.

Dear Friend,

Rep. Katie Porter may be in the minority party this term, but that doesn’t means she’s giving up on us. She’s still committed to fighting for working families, no matter who is in charge.

But the attacks on Katie Porter just ramped up. Extremist right-wingers on Twitter created a viral video that made it seem as if Rep. Porter condones pedophilia, with Republican members of Congress sharing the video.(1) And Fox “News" is sharing unsubstantiated stories accusing Rep. Porter of using racial slurs.(2)

Meanwhile, the GOP leadership is planning to start the new session with anti-abortion, anti-immigrant, anti-environment bills -- everything that Rep. Porter stands against.

Katie Porter needs us to have her back. First, Courage California is ramping up our campaign to deplatform Fox “News” and convince its advertisers to pull their dollars. And we are sounding the alarm about the disastrous legislation that the GOP is trying to push through Congress.

Will you donate to support Courage California’s work?


Rep. Porter has had a busy few weeks. She just passed a bill to close insurance loopholes used to deny coverage to public servants, including teachers and firefighters.(3) She publicly took on Southwest Airlines after its poor management left thousands of passengers stranded over the holidays, introducing a bill to stand up for customers.(4)

But the new GOP leadership has quite a different agenda.

The new majority leader, Steve Scalise, has released a roll of bills that have nothing to do with improving the lives of working Americans. Instead, there is legislation to block insurance companies from covering abortion, turn refugee migrants away at the border, rescind critical IRS funding, and increase oil drilling on federal lands.(5)

We can have Rep. Porter’s back against these terrible bills by alerting and mobilizing our 1.4 million-strong membership to flood Congress with calls. The House Republicans have a razor-thin majority, and if we convince just a few to vote against this legislation, it will be dead in the water. And we’re going to call out Fox “News” loud and clear for spreading lies about Rep. Porter and reporting false stories.

We have our work cut out for us. Will you donate to make sure we can support Katie Porter and the rest of the progressives in Congress in the fight against House Republicans?


Thanks for your critical support.

–Irene, along with Angela, Annie, Isidra, Lindsay, LisaMarie, Mai, Mai, and Scottie (the Courage team) 

PS: Courage California is fighting for equity and justice across the state and country. Will you become a monthly donor and help sustain our work?

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1. https://www.google.com/search?q=katie+porter&sxsrf=ALiCzsbsOAniCuK4GV5_40SlwJ1iQVXPGQ:1672770395031&source=lnms&tbm=nws&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjZ3b6pg6z8AhXjFjQIHQsIDowQ_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=1312&bih=842&dpr=2
2. Ibid.
3. https://goldrushcam.com/sierrasuntimes/index.php/news/local-news/42757-congresswoman-katie-porter-bill-to-expand-health-coverage-for-public-servants-signed-into-law
4. https://www.msnbc.com/opinion/msnbc-opinion/southwest-airlines-nightmare-exposes-pitfalls-traveler-rights-rcna63496
5. https://thehill.com/homenews/house/3793533-immigration-energy-abortion-scalise-announces-first-legislation-for-house-gop/

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