A publication of Christian Action Network Stephen Colbert Says the UnthinkableLate-night host Stephen Colbert blasphemes the name of Jesus by telling his audience, “Just like that cuck Jesus, send that guy [Gov. DeSantis] a truckload of lepers, see how he like it."
Below is the video narration by Martin Mawyer, President of Christian Action NetworkJust like that cuck Jesus. There he is, Stephen Colbert, calling the Lord and savior of some 2.5 billion Christians a cuck. Colbert made that blasphemous statement during his September 15 airing of CBS's the Late Show. But what is a cuck? Glenn Kenny of the New York Times says the word cuck is short for cuckold. What he explains is a subgenre of pornography in which a hapless husband is forced not only to watch his wife have sex with another man but, oh dear, I had better stop. Even the New York Times doesn't want to fully explain what a cuck is. Healthline magazine also describes it as a porn fetish, saying important sites report that cuckold porn is one of the most searched categories. You would think this type of character assassination against the beloved leader of the world's largest religion would get someone fired or suspended. But no, Colbert isn't under the threat of even being reprimanded by CBS executives for describing Jesus Christ as a lead character in a blue movie. You would think Colbert would at least offer an apology. Will Colbert ever describe the prophet Muhammad as a cuck? Well, not if he wants that arrogant head of his to remain on his shoulder. Speaking of being fired or suspended for something far less offensive than describing the son of God as a cuck, remember Roseanne Barr? She was fired after the reboot of her Rosanne comedy series after tweeting that Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett looked like the offspring of the Muslim Brotherhood and the planet of the Apes. Duck Dynasty patriarch Phil Robertson was temporarily suspended from his A&E show after saying homosexual behavior could lead to condoning bestiality. In 2013, Alec Baldwin was fired from MSNBC's up late with Alec Baldwin for using a homosexual slur against a photographer. And none of these individuals made those comments on their respective shows, unlike Colbert, who used a sexual slur when referring to Jesus in front of 2.5 million late-night viewers and repeated it to another 2 million viewers on YouTube. You would think Christian reaction to Colbert's profane description of the Lord and savior would be swift, heated, and fierce. After all, Isaiah nine six says Jesus should be called wonderful counselor, mighty God, eternal father, and the Prince of Peace. Not this. Just like that cuck, Jesus. Offensive, hateful, sacrilegious, blasphemous. Even more offensive than the 1988 film The Last Temptation of Christ, directed by Martin Scorsese. That film depicted Jesus Christ as having sex with Mary Magdalene. Universal Pictures felt the Christian heat when the film was released as more than 25,000 people showed up at its LA headquarters to protest the release of this blasphemous film. Imagine the meltdown that would have occurred if the film also depicted Jesus sitting in a corner watching Mary Magdalene having sex with other men. The apostle Paul, speaking on behalf of all Christians, says, we tear down arguments and every presumption set up against the knowledge of God. CBS allowing Stephen Colbert on public television to declare that Christ is a cuck is to set themselves up against the knowledge of God. Christians should unite to tear down this lie against God's Holy Son. But will CBS hear that Christian outrage? Or will they only hear this? If you want them to hear this instead, then take a moment to click on the petition below this video and show your outrage to CBS. Let me conclude with this scripture found in Ephesians 6:13 Therefore put on the full armor of God. So when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground. And after you have done everything to stand. Who are we standing for? Jesus. Please sign the petition below and share it with your friends. Thank you. |