Dear John,
The state of our state is strong. It is forward-thinking. It is dynamic. It is bold. And it is courageous.
This past week, I was honored to address the people of Colorado with the 2020 State of the State. We are blessed to live in a place as special as Colorado. Our state’s breathtaking natural beauty, our strong economy, and our optimistic, forward-thinking society make Colorado the envy of the nation.
We have been able to do this because Coloradans from across the continental divide and the political divide have worked together in good faith to find common ground, protect what keeps Colorado special, and build a better state. And I am grateful to be continuing in this tradition.
Governor Polis, alongside state legislators, greeting the crowd at the State of the State on January 9th, 2020. Photo by Bergreen Photography© .
Alongside our legislative champions last year, I am proud to have lowered health care costs for individuals in the exchange, reduced taxes for small businesses, made the largest ever state investment in transportation, and delivered universal free full fay kindergarten for all! But we know the work is not done.
I am excited to continue to push for an agenda that will put more money in the pockets of hard working Coloradans, ensure quality education for all children, and preserve our Colorado Way of Life.
Building on our landmark healthcare accomplishments from last year — including prescription drug importation, a reinsurance program that is bringing down premiums on the individual market by 20% across the state, hospital transparency, and ending surprise out of network billing — our administration is committed to finding additional innovative solutions to increase competition, reduce cost, and expand coverage.
With all children having access to free full day kindergarten, our administration is excited to take the next step to expand preschool by 6,000 slots this year, and I am also committed to achieving universal access to quality preschool for all 4-year-olds by the end of my first term.
Colorado’s majestic outdoors are not only iconic, but also key to our way of life and economy. And to help preserve our way of life for future generations, we have taken bold action to put us on the path to achieving 100% renewable energy by 2040.
But the truth is that due to price reductions and technological advances, the shift toward renewable energy is already happening, and it’s being driven by the private sector. Just last week, Tri-State and its members announced that they will be replacing their remaining coal power in the state with thousands of megawatts of cheaper and cleaner renewable energy sources by 2030, resulting in a 90% reduction in the utilities’ in-state greenhouse gas emissions.
Colorado is the best place to live, raise a family, and build a business. But I am excited to make it an even better place. I am honored to serve the people of Colorado and do not take the task lightly.
Thank you for everything that you do for our state and I look forward to moving the state forward, together.
Governor Jared Polis