URGENT ACTION NEEDED: The EPA is deciding if it will approve bee-toxic neonics for the NEXT 15 YEARS -- we have to ACT NOW!

The situation is dire, Friend. The EPA is considering approving bee-killing pesticides called neonics -- which are already heavily contributing to the downward spiral of wild bee populations. Bees cant wait another 15 YEARS for these toxic chemicals to be banned!

Neonics can kill bees directly. Even when bees survive the exposure, the pesticides can SEVERELY IMPACT their ability to navigate, find food, fight diseases and pests, and reproduce. But greedy companies like Bayer-Monsanto continue to produce and profit from BEE-TOXIC neonics, pushing vulnerable bees further toward the BRINK OF EXTINCTION each day. 

The numbers are staggering: over the last two decades, populations of rusty-patched bumblebees have DROPPED 87%, American Bumblebees have DECLINED by 89%, and western bumblebees have PLUMMETED 93%. If the EPA approves neonics again, it could spell DISASTER for vulnerable bees. Our pollinators deserve better, Friend. Please, will you stand with us and urge the EPA to BAN neonics by 11:59pm TONIGHT? >>

Did you know that one out of three bites of food we eat is pollinated by bees? Thats right, Friend -- without bees, almonds wouldn’t even EXIST! These vulnerable pollinators are essential to thriving ecosystems; we rely on them for 75% of the worlds most nutritious food crops.

But Big Ag continues to DOWNPLAY the effects of TOXIC neonics on pollinators, people, and the planet. This RECKLESS pursuit of profit is driving many wild bees and other pollinators toward EXTINCTION. The EPA could step up and ban these toxic pesticides -- but we need YOUR help to push it to act. Please, Friend, will you sign your name NOW and tell the EPA to prioritize pollinator health? >>

Thanks for taking urgent action to save bees and other pollinators.
Friends of the Earth
