John, Big Pharma and Health Insurance lobbyists are panicking because they know they can’t use their usual tricks to buy off Bernie Sanders. As the new Chairman of the HELP Committee, Bernie will have the power to hold hearings to push for Medicare for All, expose price gouging that has Americans choosing between lifesaving drugs and homelessness, and more of the shocking greed that defines the American healthcare system. That’s why Politico is reporting that industry lobbyists – who outnumber elected officials by 3 to 1 in Washington – are already scheming about attacking Bernie and persuading corporate Democrats to block his work. Healthcare lobbyists are used to getting their way, but they’ve never been up against a chair like Bernie Sanders. Can we count on you to join Our Revolution as a monthly donor to help us counter their cash and dirty tactics?
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The Healthcare industry can only win by using its unlimited money to confuse the debate and distract the American people from what’s happening. That’s why your support is so critical. We can’t let their cash drown out Bernie’s message that all Americans deserve affordable health care. Please join Our Revolution as a recurring donor to help us fight back against healthcare and big pharma lobbyists coming after Bernie! In solidarity, Our Revolution 