From Entertainment Community Fund <[email protected]>
Subject Creativity Doesn't Age Group: Managing Your Creative Career Story
Date January 3, 2023 10:30 PM
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** Creativity Doesn't Age Group

Reimagining Your Next Act: Managing Your Creative Career Story As A 50+ Professional

** Fridays, February 24–March 31
1 pm ET/12 pm CT/10 am PT

Are you finding it challenging to embrace the next stage of your career and work life?

Many people 50 years and over in the entertainment and performing arts community feel left behind. Join us for an energizing and engaging weekly group with creative activities.

This group will help you:
* Clarify your strengths and challenges
* Create clear and measurable career goals
* Discover new passions and resiliency
* Develop a community of supportive peers

We recommend attending the Career Journey Workshop Series to support this process. The deadline to apply is Monday, January 23, 2023. Space is limited.

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to help those in need in performing arts and entertainment.

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NY: 212.221.7300 | LA: 323.933.9244 | Chicago: 312.372.0989
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