Happy New Year from Gun Owners of California!  We are raring to go in 2023 because the anti-gunners are hopping mad about our legal victories in 2022 and they’re coming at us – guns a’blazing (pun ful

Happy New Year from Gun Owners of California!  We are raring to go in 2023 because the anti-gunners are hopping mad about our legal victories in 2022 and they’re coming at us – guns a’blazing (pun fully intended)!  We are, however, ready to wage battle with those who are determined to keep us defenseless.  We will be fighting BOLDLY in the courts, before the legislature and yes, we are already prepping for next year’s elections, looking for strong defenders of the 2A.

The Legislature is beginning the 2023-24 session in earnest today and GOC will continue to monitor any new anti-gun bills – already, bills have been introduced once again to slap an excise tax on guns and ammo, and restrict where CCW holders can legally carry. GOC will keep you up to speed on all the vile maneuvers to restrict our rights. 

As the New Year begins, GOC is going to DRILL DOWN on those who’ve been giving California’s Second Amendment voters the COLD SHOULDER.  We will not be quiet about this. Check out – and pass on how the California Republican Party is guilty of this. Those of us who work tirelessly in defense of our 2A rights don’t deserve this – nor do you!  Read about this development HERE.

Meanwhile, GOA Labels 18 Republican Senators “Turncoats”| Liberty Beacon
Voting for the federal omnibus bill - what a way to cave!

California Democrat Legislators Hate Your Guns| KABC-AM
More proof they want to take away our 2A rights

Gun Rights Group Files Amicus In Support Of Challenge To CA Law | Bearing Arms
Update on AB 2571…GOC and other 2A groups are on the offensive.

Total Media Blackout Of The Scariest 2A Story Of 2022 | Bearing Arms
Hiding the truth about defensive gun use borders on criminal bias. 

Accused CA Serial Killer Charged With 4 More Shootings | The Truth About Guns
And a “prohibited person” at that…

DHS Fail: Can’t Process 6.4 Million 'Criminal Dispositions'| The Truth About Guns
Once again, the federal government fails to do its job.

CDC Isn’t Following Science But Manipulates For Gun Control | NSSF
Their bias is dangerous.

BOLD-FACED LIE: Gun Control Groups Twist Data | Daily Signal
Firearm misrepresentations are vast in court documents.

Gun Owner New Year’s Resolutions | AmmoLand 
Good New Year’s resolutions to defend the 2A! 

FFL Persecuted by FBI /ATF Left to Fend for Himself | AmmoLand
Read about how the ATF & FBI targeted this FFL.

The 2A Is the Only Carry Permit Needed in 25 States | Breitbart
Goals for 2023: Add more states to this list.

James Cameron Cut 10 Min Of Guns From New ‘Avatar’ Flick | The Daily Wire
Fears he will “fetishize” gun use.  




Gun Owners of California
Gun Owners of California, Inc.
1190 Suncast Ln, Suite 2
El Dorado Hills, California 95762
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