![]() Patriot, As I write this—and undoubtedly still, by the time you receive this—the U.S. House of Representatives does not have a Speaker. The House can’t do anything until a Speaker is in place: no votes, no committees, nothing. In a way, this is good news. As the adage goes, “no
man’s life, liberty, or property is safe when Congress is in session,” and the House will be at a standstill until this issue is
resolved. But sooner or later, resolve it will. Some media is already reporting Democrats, who would rather see an establishment Republican win, are growing bored of the drama and may disappear from the floor, which will lower the number of votes needed to win the position. And then what? Regardless of who becomes the next Speaker, the GOP leadership has already presented an agenda that will be little more than grandstanding, since it will be dead-on-arrival in the Democrat-controlled Senate. The new House majority claims they want to reverse the funding for 87,000 new IRS agents, but Republicans proved that was all hot air when they helped pass the omnibus budget just before Christmas. The House calendar showed the Republican leadership planned to pass something today called the “Protecting America’s Strategic Petroleum Reserve from China Act.” To keep gas prices down before the last election, Joe Biden drained the strategic petroleum reserve by 180 million barrels, to the lowest it’s been in 40 years. What are Republicans going to do: put it back? The only bills the Republicans could ever pass would be “bipartisan compromises,” which are a one-way street. We are on the losing end of these deals, as we saw in the disgraceful omnibus budget. Democrats get welfare spending, Republicans get warfare spending, and the American people suffer for both. But there is one thing Republicans can do, if and when they get their act together: launch serious investigations into the government’s crimes against the American people, starting with the Covid cover-up. The origin of Covid itself warrants a full investigation. The media narrative from the get-go was that the virus was an accident of nature, something involving bats and the wet markets of Wuhan. Then the evidence began to emerge that it was developed at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, paid for in part by your tax dollars, through gain-of-function research directed by Anthony Fauci, Francis Collins, and others at the CDC. And everything that has emerged since then – the worthless and devastating policies of lockdowns and mask mandates, the rush to force the American people to take ill-tested drugs falsely called vaccines, the censorship and silencing of anyone who questioned these policies and the so-called “science” behind them – absolutely screams that the pandemic was engineered for social control over the American people. During the height of Covid, the contagious were deliberately sent into nursing homes, killing untold thousands of senior citizens. Throughout America, developing children were harmed by school closures, anti-socialization, and mask mandates. And since the roll-out of the so-called vaccines, once-rare incidents of sudden death in healthy young people are proliferating. Every American should demand a complete, neutral investigation into everything about Covid. But since Democrat leadership avoided this – like the plague, you might say – it’s time we DEMAND a full investigation by House Republicans. We don’t know how long the battle for leadership will continue – maybe days, maybe weeks, maybe it will be over tonight – but sooner or later, there will be something called “Republican Leadership,” and now that the halls of Congress are finally open to the public once again, I’m looking forward to delivering your petitions to the new leadership in person, whomever that may be. To this day, most of the politicians in Washington have stymied efforts to get to the truth. But now that Republicans are in the House majority, we need to DEMAND they take action –
now – to continue to build momentum throughout the legislative season. Patriot, their silence and their inaction is their complicity. We must demand our lawmakers do their job. If our representatives won’t hold those responsible accountable, you and I must hold our representatives and those responsible accountable. We must demand the people who broke (and continue to break) the trust of the American people face justice for recklessly putting our entire country into every kind of jeopardy. Think of all the lives they’ve destroyed, damaged, and diminished. They need to be investigated and brought to justice. And if you can, please make a generous donation to support our work and mobilize more patriots. The elitists – elected and unelected – have run roughshod over we, the people, for far too long. You and I must demand the Republicans bring them to full accountability. With your help, Campaign for Liberty can activate more liberty-minded Americans to fight back against tyrannical Covid policies – and demand those who lied to the American people about it are held accountable. You and I must keep the pressure on Congress to uncover the lies and find the truth – and then take action against those who pushed the lies and half-truths on us! Thanks for all you do for Liberty, ![]() John McCardell Executive Director Campaign for Liberty P.S. It only takes a moment to sign your petition and we will deliver it for you. Make your voice heard! Click here to send your petition and DEMAND Republicans conduct a full investigation and hold people accountable. And if you can, please make a generous donation to support our work. The elitists – elected and unelected – have run roughshod over we, the people, for far too long. You and I must demand full accountability. With your help, Campaign for Liberty can activate more liberty-minded Americans to fight back against government overreach like the Covid hysteria. If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. Join Ron Paul’s Patriot Club
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autographed by Ron Paul. The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty,
constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots
mobilization. |