Welcome to 2023 … It’s going to be a great year for the Ville! This week I wanted to slow down and talk about 2022 and the initiatives we’ve been involved with as Northvillians. As always, I encourage you to share your time & talents on Northville Community projects for the benefit of all in the area.

Appropriately, this is the Chinese Year of the Rabbit (2023).  Why appropriate? It’s symbolic of our desire to “hasten the pace” on what we’ve started over the last few years and bring key major projects to completion. Northville’s 2027 Bicentennial Year will be here before we know it, and the journey we’re on can make us truly ready to celebrate 200 historic years.  This is indeed a transformational time for our community, partnering with the Township, the Schools, and with each of you for the betterment of our town. We are all on the shoulders of those that have come before us, and it is our privilege to ready this “Hamlet in the Hills” for the next generation.

Before we look at the Year in Review, let's see what's happening today...

  • Mill Race Historical Village – Stroll around the Mill Race Village in January, along with the partially renovated Ford Field East by the Water Wheel Centre.
  • Snowmen Invasion – As you walk around town, look for various Snowmen sculptures greeting you in our Social District through the winter season.
  • Mill Race History Lecture by the Mayor – 1/25/23 at Mill Race Village, 7:00 PM, presenting the history of various sections of town
  • Quarterly Mayoral Town Hall Thursday, 1/26/23 (Live and on Zoom).  Debbie Dingell, our new U.S Representative in DC is invited, and Matt Koleszar, our Michigan State Representative in Lansing will be attending.

Northville makes the list of “TOP 12 Incredible Charming Small Towns in Michigan” – One town to visit for each month – we’re September’s choice…LINK

2022 was quite a year - Let's take a look back!

We are so fortunate in Northville that the City, Township, and the School system worked hand-in-hand on so many activities and initiatives in 2022.  Let’s take a look…
We Worked Together to Bolster Our Strengths:
  • In Businesses, Greenspaces and Schools
Our City Priorities
  • Financial Stability, Infrastructure Improvements, and Prioritization & Funding of key initiatives.
Community Cooperation Activities
  • The River Restoration & Riverwalk initiative, planning for the Farmers’ Market future home, Ford Field Renovations, Chamber of Commerce events, Sustainability actions, the Northville Library, the Community Center, and Parks & Recreation activities.
New Endeavors and Future Development
  • We continued and expanded the Downtown Social District while developing strategies for future enhancements.  Plans are underway to improve the area in a manner that encourages casual gathering and interaction among residents, visitors, and businesses.
  • Foundry Flask luxury apartments (the site of one of Michigan’s oldest foundries at Cady and South Main St.) – The City approved and supported the first Brownfield action for the community at this site, where a mixed-use building will be constructed on the former Foundry Flask property.  
  • Northville Downs proposal for mixed-use development with parks and greenspace – Received conditional approval of the PUD (Planned Unit Development), a 49-acre site inclusive of the racetrack and surrounding property. This project intends to repurpose the land for single-family & multi-family homes, condominiums, town homes and apartments, along with expanded commercial space. A city park and Riverwalk greenspace are part of the development.
  • We also saw the start of rooftop dining at the Exchange Bar & Grill, with others to follow. The Great White Buffalo Brewing Company (Center/Main) Grand Opening is planned soon.
City Initiatives
  • Northville Riverwalk and Rouge Restoration – This will create the last connector in the State’s pathways system heading south to Ohio and North to Mackinaw (connecting City, County & State Parks). Stop by one of the first renovated riverwalk areas, South Main Park, adjacent to the Northville Well.
  • Farmers’ Market Activity (7 Mile and South Main St. area) – A potential new home at the former McDonald Ford location; creating an all-new community event site through a partnership with the City & Township, as well as the Chamber of Commerce, Schoolcraft and other sponsors.  The end goal is a dynamic and fun “Market Commons” that includes learning and cultural activities, as well as the Farmers' Markets Market. This location was recommended as “Top Choice” after a tremendous amount of work by the Farmers’ Market Task Force.
  • Ford Field Initiative – Rejuvenating our outstanding Ford Field greenspace into a true “Central Park,” with an accessible entryway, enhanced facilities, updated and expanded recreational offerings, and a gateway to the Community’s Riverwalk.  
Additionally …
  • The Riverwalk Task Force presented their Framework Plan to the City Council and were instrumental in teeing up a $2.5 Million grant to daylight the river which runs under the Downs.
  • The DPW TEAM signed a new 5-year contract with GFL Environmental to collect trash and recyclables. This included providing large, wheeled carts for all residents.
  • Strategic planning began in 2022 designed to rank & fund initiatives, including:
    • Ford Field enhancements (new rest rooms, play structure and a new entrance)
    • Acquire the land to erect the multi-purpose building for the new Farmers’ Market
    • Review enhancements to our Downtown Social District
    • Support for our River Restoration & Riverwalk initiative
    • Other projects & infrastructure improvements that will enhance our community
In total, the Northville TEAM (Township, Schools, and City) is committed to implementing a Way Forward Plan, providing pathways for the future, connecting all in the community.

I thank each and every one of you for assisting the Northville Community during 2022.  I know many of you have reached out to help our youth and our seniors, as well as donated time to Civic Concern activities.  And very importantly, I thank you for supporting our local businesses and organizations.

While making your New Year’s resolutions, keep the community close in your thoughts and stay connected to those you love.
Let’s get ready for an amazing 2023 and start the New Year STRONG!
Keep that Northville Faith!

Brian Turnbull
Mayor – Northville
[email protected] / 248.505.6849

(Reach out to me anytime or forward this communication to others interested.)

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