Thanks to the generous support of so many people we met our $225,000 match in December. Thank you!
Dear friend,
As your fellow and sister Amazon Watch supporters, we know how the strength of our community comes from our collective commitment to the Amazon.
Being from Brazil, we have always had the Amazon as part of our identity and we feel that we must protect it. We founded Sage Culture, a nature-focused art gallery in Los Angeles, with the appreciation of nature at the root of our mission and aesthetics.
Along our journey, we have been witnessing an increasing concern about the effects of human activity on nature. We started searching for ways to contribute to preserving and restoring the Amazon rainforest, which is so crucial to our existence on this planet.
After thorough research, we became Amazon Watch donors because we saw our concerns and commitment to the rainforest represented in their work defending the Amazon in solidarity with Indigenous peoples.
We believe we all have a part to play and can make a difference in averting the tipping point - the point at which the degradation of the rainforest is irreversible. Indigenous peoples are resisting destruction and putting forward solutions to permanently protect their rights, land, water, and life.
Sage Culture is proud to be Amazon Watch's partner and ally and will keep collaborating in the long path humankind has ahead to reverse the current damage to the planet by preserving the rainforests and supporting its Original Peoples. We’re grateful to be on this path with you. Thank you!
In solidarity and partnership,
Nicolas Alonso and Marina Figueiredo