
Happy New Year! I was so happy to ring in 2023 in the Last Best Place with my family at my side. 

I know lots of folks may think new year’s resolutions are for the birds — and that may be true. But at the start of last year, I set a resolution to come together with my colleagues from both sides of the aisle and work to cut costs, create jobs, and make life better for everyone who calls Montana home. 

After a lot of hard work, and one of the most productive Congressional sessions of my lifetime, I was able to make good on my resolution. So I’m not going to break the streak now. 

This year, I’m resolving to keep up the fight for Montana families, bolster our state’s economy, and continue representing my neighbors and the folks like me back home in the U.S. Senate. 

We have lots to do in this new session of Congress, like getting my bipartisan ag consolidation bills over the finish line, and ensuring our achievements like the historic Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, CHIPs Act, and PACT Act continue to be implemented properly. 

2023 is sure to bring a whole new set of challenges, but I’m confident that with this grassroots team on my side, we’ll make this a year to remember. 

Thanks for always having my back, and I’m looking forward to what we’ll accomplish this year, together.

— Jon