John, can you guess how many more women will be serving in the 118th Congress after the historic victories for Democrats in the 2022 midterms?
Only two.
At a moment in our country when reproductive freedom — a woman's right to make her own decisions about her own body — is under attack, we need more women at the decision-making table. We need more women's voices to be heard. We need more women in the halls of Congress.
Because the fact of the matter is that if we had more women in Congress, we would have different outcomes. We wouldn't be wasting time debating whether or not we should codify Roe v. Wade, we would codify it. Period.
That's exactly what I founded Off the Sidelines to do — to elect more Democratic women to the House and Senate. So as we head into this new election cycle, it's time to redouble our efforts to help more strong women candidates run and win. But it's going to take each and every one of us, so I need to know if you're standing with me.
Please, John, I'm personally asking you now: Will you sign your name to stand with me in the fight to elect more Democratic women to the halls of Congress?
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