Dear Patriot Activists, Julie and I have signed on to a letter to Governor Abbott requesting that he make removing sexually explicit materials from schools an emergency item for the 88th legislature. Items on the Governor's "emergency" list can be acted on prior to the 60 day waiting period that is applied to other legislation. By making the issue an emergency item, any legislation involving the issue could be assigned to committee, heard in public hearing, and debated on the House or Senate floor in the early days of the session. One of the things that kills good legislation is the practice of running out the clock. When legislators don't want to take a hard vote, they stall, delay, and obfuscate to avoid having to make a record vote on sensitive issues. The clock is an activist's biggest enemy. But by declaring an issue an emergency, the clock becomes our friend, as it gives us more time to apply grassroots pressure to legislators to make them do the right thing. This letter was initiated by Activist, Bonnie Wallace, of Llano, TX, with help and support of other activists who have been fighting this issue for a long time. Removing sexually explicit materials is one of TTP's legislative priorities for 2023. We invite any of you who agree to add your name to the letter.
Instructions to add your name are included in the link with the letter. Just email Bonnie Wallace at [email protected], ask her to add your name and tell what county you live in. Deadline is Thursday Jan 5, at 2:00 pm I hope you'll join us in supporting this TTP Legislative Priority and encouraging the Governor to make it an emergency item for 2023. For Texas (and our children) Fran Rhodes, President, True Texas Project |