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China: For some, where restraint ends and hawkishness begins

By Ted Galen Carpenter on Jan 03, 2023 03:06 am

Is it 'realism' to build up a case for US military primacy in East Asia, or just intellectual inconsistency?
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The zombification of US national security

By Gregory Foster on Jan 02, 2023 02:43 am

Time to drive a stake through the heart of these establishmentarian ideas, which are super dysfunctional but never seem to die.
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What Biden should do immediately to start 2023 out right

By Responsible Statecraft on Dec 30, 2022 02:58 am

After an extraordinary year of foreign policy, our Quincy Institute experts weigh in on Ukraine, Russia, China, the Middle East, and more.
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Rhetoric vs. reality: Biden’s foreign policy in review

By William Hartung on Dec 29, 2022 03:00 am

At mid-term, the president's actions in these key areas don’t yet match his early, bold talk. But it’s not too late for course corrections.
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US quietly forges a new military alliance with Israel

By Paul R. Pillar on Dec 29, 2022 03:00 am

This ‘profound change’ comes with many predictable costs and risks — and very few benefits.
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When courting quasi-allies like Ukraine becomes a moral hazard

By Benjamin H. Friedman on Dec 28, 2022 03:00 am

U.S. promises (not always kept) of protection end up sidelining more prudent, diplomatic paths and protracting war.
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