Mondays of Meaning

January 2nd 2023 | Dr. Jordan B. Peterson
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In this week's edition, I look at how to set a schedule, Dr. Temple Grandin and I discuss visual and verbal thinking, and a pull from the archives to explore why things bother you.

Have a Vision for Your Life

Turn your focus to your micro routines. Ask yourself, “If this is what I am aiming for, how does that instantiate itself day-to-day, week-to-week, month-to-month?” This is where a schedule can be unbelievably useful.

You need to make a damn schedule and stick to it. But what is the rule with the schedule? It is not a bloody prison. That is the first thing people think that is wrong.

If you think, “I do not like following a schedule,” then ask yourself what kind of schedule you are setting up. For example, you might say, “In my schedule I have to do this, then I have to do this, then I have to do this.” You will go play video games because who wants to do all these things you have to do?

This is wrong! Set the damn schedule up so that you have the day you want. That is the trick. You can think, “OK, I have tomorrow. If I was going to set it up so it was the best possible day I could have — practically speaking — what would it look like?”

Well, then you schedule that.

The New Year is upon us, and there is no better time to reflect on the successes and struggles of the past year and plan for the next. Arm yourself with the right tools and knowledge by catching up on Jordan’s recently released specials. Exodus, Marriage, Logos and Literacy, and Dragons, Monsters, and Men are available exclusively on DailyWire+.


Monday Reflections

"If you are trapped in pathological relationships, you see no way out of them, and you are with someone who is sinking that has their hands around your neck pulling you down, you are not obligated to drown with them." (Share this on Twitter)​

"The truth does set you free, but the problem is that it destroys everything that is not worthy in you as it sets you free." (Share this on Twitter)​

"What you want most will be found where you least want to look. What that means is that if you stand straight and face the darkness fully, what you discover is, at the darkest part is the brightest light."  (Share this on Twitter)​

This Week On The Podcast

Autism, Academics, and Animals | Dr. Temple Grandin | #318

Dr. Temple Grandin and I discuss the pros and cons of visual and verbal thinking, as well as categorization, animal welfare, targeted activism, and the importance of hands-on learning opportunities.

From The Archives

Psychoanalysis: Why Do Certain Things Bother You? | Jordan B Peterson

Dr. Peterson:
"Certain things bother you, and you might think, ‘I wish nothing bothered me.’ No, you do not really because if nothing bothered you, in some sense, that would be the same thing as not caring about anything. It actually turns out to be the case that the things that bug you are the things that you care about when they go wrong. So this is a really useful question to ask yourself."

Thank you for reading, 

Dr Jordan B Peterson
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