Trump is already ramping up his anti-Muslim hate.

The American people have a right to debate without being smeared with racism and bigotry. Tell Congress to stop it.

The American people have a right to debate without being smeared with racism and bigotry.
Tell Congress to stop it.

Dear Friend,

We should be able to debate, even disagree, without demonizing an entire race or religion.

However, President Trump doesn’t seem to agree. Yesterday, he broadcast a bizarre and offensive anti-Muslim image to his 70.9 million followers on Twitter (click to view). It’s likely an attempt to distract the public from the answers they’re demanding about our nation’s military engagements and the deployments of their loved ones overseas in endless wars. But that tweet also contributes to an environment of bigotry and violence targeting American Muslims.

We knew that politicians would weaponize anti-Muslim bigotry for political gain in 2020. Yesterday's tweet was just one example. We need you to join us in fighting for the right to debate without being smeared with racism and bigotry.

Last week, Rep. John Rutherford (R-FL) called a group of members of Congress who voted in favor of reining in the president’s war powers “Ayatollah sympathizers.” Now, Trump is elevating these smears.

This bigotry is not an exception, it’s their strategy. Last spring, Trump promoted a maliciously edited video that misleadingly tied Rep. Ilhan Omar to 9/11. And you may remember the anti-Semitic image he shared to smear Hillary Clinton.

The American people deserve better. Our political leaders have a responsibility to engage in honest debate without using racism and religious bigotry to demonize an entire community. But they’ll only take action if they feel the heat from you, their constituents.

I’m calling on you to join me in bringing that heat.


Will you tell your member of Congress to condemn hateful rhetoric in our public discourse?

Thank you,
Madihha Ahussain
Special Counsel for Anti-Muslim Bigotry