Groups like terror-tied CAIR could benefit as well
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News Analysis
Muslim Patrol: New Bill Could Fund Islamist Vigilante Groups ([link removed]) Groups like terror-tied CAIR could benefit as well Read and Share ([link removed])
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Democrat Silence on Support for Iranian Protesters ([link removed]) Politics 'trumps' support for human rights Read and Share ([link removed])
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News Analysis
Kerry: 'We Gave [Iran] a Little Bit of Money' ([link removed]) Since when are billions 'a little bit'? Read and Share ([link removed])
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News Analysis
MSM: Propaganda Machine for the Iranian Regime ([link removed]) Read this inside account Read ([link removed])
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Readers Write
Iranian Protests Call for Resignation of Khamenei: “Death to Liars!” ([link removed])
“They may have taken their country back years ago, but Obama made it clear - as Iranian citizens were being shot in the streets - that he stood with the mullahs and against the people.”
- A.D.
Prominent US Universities Failed to Disclose $1.3 Billion in Foreign Funding ([link removed])
“They didn’t fail. They were hoping no one would notice.”
- F.P.
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