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January 02, 2023
If we're punishing
politicians for lying about their past, start with Joe Biden

If we're punishing politicians for lying about their past, start with Joe Biden

George Santos is a despicable, lying fraud. He's lied about his ethnicity, background, parents, and experience, among other things. If there...

The State Department
should name and shame political cults

The State Department should name and shame political cults

Every few months, the Mujahedin-e-Khalq Organization, an Iranian exile organization that fancies itself the foundation of a government-in-ex...

Prepare for insurgency
in Iran when the Ayatollahs fall

Prepare for insurgency in Iran when the Ayatollahs fall

On May 8, 1945, President Harry S. Truman confirmed Nazi Germany’s unconditional surrender. "We join in offering our thanks to the Provide...

Praise the airlines,

Praise the airlines, mostly

Every year at major holidays and when severe weather rolls across the nation, the airline industry becomes the punching bag of politicians, ...

Woke Wall Street firms
discover they have no allies on Capitol Hill

Woke Wall Street firms discover they have no allies on Capitol Hill

Investment firms that have turned woke are now realizing that the team they chose to join doesn’t really care about them....

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