North American monarch populations have CRASHED 90% in just 20 years. Their great migrations used to grace the autumn air with orange and black displays. But the toxic pesticides like glyphosate are pushing monarchs toward the brink, leaving our skies less colorful.
Monarchs lay their eggs on milkweed -- the only habitat and food source for their young. But Roundup’s active ingredient glyphosate is WIPING OUT milkweed and is a key culprit pushing monarchs toward EXTINCTION. Kroger -- the nation’s largest grocery retailer -- could ELIMINATE use of toxic pesticides in its food supply chain, but we need 6,078 more people to help us push Kroger to act. Friend, help PROTECT MONARCHS by sending a message to Kroger by 11:59pm TONIGHT!
Monarchs are still not protected under the Endangered Species Act despite being considered at a high risk of global extinction by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature. That means it’s up to companies like Kroger to eliminate harmful pesticides in the absence of government action.
Glyphosate puts the health of people at risk too. Research points to alarming health concerns linked to glyphosate, including cancer, hormone disruption, shortened pregnancy, and fatty liver disease. But Kroger continues to stock its shelves with food grown at the expense of pollinators, people, and our planet. YOUR action could help push Kroger to act. Demand Kroger stop allowing toxic pesticides to be used on the food it sells! Add your name by 11:59pm TONIGHT!
Standing with you,
Paolo Mutia,
Food and Agriculture Campaigner,
Friends of the Earth