Hi John,​
At the beginning of July, we set a goal to sign up or renew 125 members, a quarter of our current membership. As a small non-profit, we depend on members to support our work. Having more members means more educational outreach to riders across the city, more speakers and behind-the-scenes Muni tours, and more political sway at City Hall. 

As of today, I'm excited to let you know that we've signed up 106 members this month alone and broke 500 members for the first time in SFTR history. But we are still not quite to our goal. Can you join today to help us take the next step as a rider-first movement? 

In addition to being part of our growing movement, members get:

  • Entry to our monthly transit advocate trainings and premier speakers.
  • Access to the SFTR Google Group, a unique, online community forum for live campaign updates, our newest policy ideas, and discussing transit innovations and upcoming volunteer opportunities.
  • Top priority to tours of Muni facilities like the Central Subway and Cable Car Shop.
  • A network of passionate, fun riders and advocates who are committed to transit.

The support of people like you is what makes San Francisco Transit Riders unique. It's because of our members that we're able to advocate for better, more reliable, faster transit. And thanks to a generous commitment our member matching committee, every donation made in July will be doubled. Can you become a member today and double your impact?

Thanks for your support,
