by providing acceptance, connection, hope, & love to LGBTQ young people in crisis
Happy New Year
I just sent the email below to the folks who donated to our Every Single One campaign. I know you care about LGBTQ young people in crisis. And it’s always the right time to offer them the acceptance, connection, hope, and love that they may not receive from their families and communities. So, please start 2023 on a loving, life-saving note with a contribution to The Trevor Project.
Here’s a link to make a quick gift: ([link removed])
With thanks and in community,
Amanda Ryan-Smith
Chief Development Officer
The Trevor Project
Make a life-saving gift : ([link removed])
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From: Amanda Ryan-Smith
Date: Sun., January 1, 2023
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With your contribution to The Trevor Project’s Every Single One fundraising campaign, you’ve given something so precious to LGBTQ young people in crisis:
The affirmation, connection, hope, and love that they may not receive from their families and communities.
We know these can be life-saving gifts: acceptance from at least one adult can decrease the risk of an LGBTQ young person attempting suicide by 40%.
What an amazing partner you are to Trevor — helping to ensure that support is a free call, text, or chat away for an LGBTQ young person struggling with anxiety or depression — or feeling overwhelmed. Thanks to you, Trevor’s trained counselors can provide suicide prevention and crisis intervention services every day, every week, and every hour.
Together, we are creating the warm, loving world all LGBTQ young people deserve — one in which they can envision their own bright, hopeful futures.
I wish you and your loved ones a new year filled with peace, good health, and joy.
Amanda Ryan-Smith
Chief Development Officer
The Trevor Project
Support Trevor’s mission to make LGBTQ young people in crisis — every single one — feel loved and accepted for who they are. Your gift will help provide free, confidential suicide prevention and crisis intervention services — 24/7/365.
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The Trevor Project is the world’s largest suicide prevention and crisis intervention organization for LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning) young people.
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