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What to Expect from the Media in 2023 on Immigration

We've seen a couple long-term trends continue with legacy media (think TV news giants like NBC, CBS, and ABC... and major national newsprint publications like The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and The Washington Post):

1) Extremely sparse coverage of major legal immigration issues, unless the story is twisted to fit a narrative that is destined to crumble because it is so false.

2) Either select border reporting that is generally solid in real time, or border truths reluctantly reported and crammed into a political timeline (like after an election).

Will Republican control of the House of Representatives alter these trends? Perhaps. That will depend on how committed House leadership is to pushing popular but oft-ignored legislation through the chamber.

While there is clear evidence that most publications prefer to avoid facilitating these policy conversations - and shy away from platforming those who want them - momentum and action break through some of the gridlock. Witness the Martha's Vineyard flights from Florida Governor Ron DeSantis as a recent example.

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