From Pramila Jayapal <>
Subject These pivotal fights will continue in 2023
Date January 1, 2023 3:01 AM
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[1]Pramila Jayapal

John, before the
New Year, I wanted to reflect on where we are and where we still need to

This year, gun violence recently surpassed car accidents as the leading
cause of death for American children.

Don't tell me we don’t need an assault weapons ban.

This year, the student debt crisis reached $1,959,574,218,160.

Don't tell me student debt cancellation is not essential.

Since 2018, the 39 largest companies in America have paid ZERO in taxes,
despite bringing in $122 BILLION in profits. All while 60% of workers
report living paycheck-to-paycheck

Don't tell me we can't close the loopholes, level the playing field, and
tax the rich so they pay their fair share.

As we head into the minority, Democrats will be a line of defense against
House Republicans' worst ideas. But in addition to being an opposition
party, we will also be a proposition party that brings people in and
continues to deliver for the people whenever possible — on issues like
student debt, gun violence, and more.

[ [link removed] ]If you're ready to keep up the fight for our progressive agenda, chip
in $3 or any amount you can afford toward our $900,000
fundraising goal for 2022 coming up at midnight TONIGHT.

[ [link removed] ]Chip in $3 »

This year, Democrats delivered. This year we passed the largest investment
into climate action in our country's history with the Inflation Reduction

We passed a government funding bill that invests in working families! It
increases funding for child care, Head Start, & pre-K for low-income
families, expands access to affordable housing, and provides workplace
protections to pregnant people.

No matter how far we’ve gotten, we have many pivotal fights that will
continue in 2023 — from gun control, to student debt cancellation, to
protections for working families, and more. With Republicans controlling
the House on top of it all, I need you by my side.

Before tonight, we have to close a fundraising gap in order to raise
$900,000 for the year. [ [link removed] ]Can you contribute whatever you can to show the
strength of our movement for bold, progressive change?

Talk soon (in 2023),



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