Need to hear from you!

Friend, hi. It’s me! I have an incredibly important ask for you. This one is easy but absolutely mission-critical to getting achieving everything we need to in 2020.

Last year we announced the Official United We Dream Action Membership program, a new political arm of United We Dream that we hope will be your #1 political home when it comes to advocating for the immigrant and undocumented communities we represent across the country.

Today I’m asking you to sign up to become an official UWDA member in one, simple step so that you can waste no time owning a piece of the important work we’ll do together this year.

Click here to donate $7 and you’ll immediately be enrolled as an Official UWDA Action member. Keep reading to learn why it’s so important you claim your membership and join us right now:


Here’s why we need you on the team today: together, we can change lives. That’s not an exaggeration or hyperbole, it’s the honest to goodness truth.

In 2020, our members will come together to influence and change the system that was made to punish our communities and build it into one that supports us.

In 2020, our members will be the frontlines of many electoral and political opportunities to advocate to people running for office at every level on behalf of young people, immigrants, and undocumented people.

And in 2020, our members will take part in historic get-out-the-vote movements, teaming up with on-the-ground campaigns and organizers, knocking on doors and making phone calls to turn out voters and elect candidates that will fight for us at every level of government.

And here’s the best part: everyone who shares our values is welcome in the UWDA family.

We are inviting eligible voters, immigrant youth, or members of a family in which some of you can vote and others can’t, to be part of our team. We believe that everyone should be involved in winning justice for immigrant communities.

So, again, I’m asking:

Will you sign up to claim your Official UWDA membership today? It just costs $7 to join other activists across the country in what will be a critical year of action for our community:


Can’t wait to see what we’ll accomplish together,

Sadie from United We Dream Action

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