EMERGENCY UPDATE FOR Taxpayer: by now, you know that our campaign to save the CDC 134 lab kittens is under siege. However, our top investigators just uncovered unmistakable evidence that FDA is now FORCING other government agencies to gas, kill, and blind puppies. Without an overwhelming grassroots response, our campaign budget will break under the unsustainable weight of fighting a two-front war. Read below and take immediate action! To receive fewer emails, please adjust your preferences.
Taxpayer — Mackie emailed you.
Dr. Larry Hansen reached out to you.
The FDA isn’t just forcing companies to test on dogs. It’s also forcing other government agencies to do it.
And they are deliberately BLINDING beagle puppies!
Our new FDA Red Tape Relief Fund is the solution. But we haven’t covered our budget.
The books close at midnight. Please send help!
Christine McPherson
Development Director, WCW Project
It’s no longer just the drug companies…
BREAKING INVESTIGATION: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is now forcing white coats inside the federal government to GAS, SLAUGHTER, and even BLIND small beagle puppies to comply with its dog testing red tape!
Taxpayer, as you may know, the White Coat Waste Project (WCW) was the first to expose that a pointless, 80-year-old FDA regulation forces private drug companies to torture 20,000 beagles each year without pain relief or anesthesia – even when the industry doesn’t want to.
But turns out, this wasteful and deadly FDA red tape extends far beyond the private sector…
Our investigators just discovered that government white coats at the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), National Cancer Institute (NCI), National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS), and other federal agencies are now torturing beagles too – for no reason other than to satisfy the SAME FDA mandate!
Taxpayer, FDA’s dog testing requirement is incredibly cruel AND a massive waste of taxpayer dollars.
The government itself admits:
Here’s the truth: Experiments on dogs aren’t scientifically “necessary,” especially when we have superior research technologies like human organs-on-chips to model diseases and test drugs.
Despite all of this, the FDA continues to mandate companies – and now, other government agencies – to blind and kill 20,000 beagles in maximum-pain dog tests.
Taxpayer, how are we supposed to end dog testing across the federal government… if it’s now REQUIRED by the federal government?!
The short answer is, we can’t. That’s why abolishing FDA’s dog testing regulation is so important.
Our new FDA Red Tape Relief Fund will ensure we have the resources to get the job done.
20,000 puppies. 1 piece of red tape.
Let’s get it done,
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Mackie Burr White Coat Waste Project |
P.S. HARD CHOICES FOR Taxpayer: The FDA isn’t just forcing private companies to abuse dogs. Now, it’s forcing other government agencies to gas, poison, and even BLIND poor beagles! Our new Red Tape Relief Fund will end this. But we’re also struggling to save the CDC 134 kittens. Taxpayer, we can only run as many campaigns as we can afford. That’s why a generous donor will DOUBLE your donation to help us fully fund both emergency campaigns! Will you send help before the matching grant deadline?
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