Your elected representatives need to hear your support of this new bill!
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Congress passing H.Res. 721 (the "Fix App Ratings" bill) would be a huge victory
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Dear Friend,
After a lot of work raising awareness and efforts to educate lawmakers directly, H.Res. 721 (the “Fix App Ratings” bill) was introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives ([link removed]) by Representatives Mike Johnson (R-LA4) and Ben McAdams (D-UT4) to recognize the need for an independent app rating review board and for user-friendly parental controls.
The National Center on Sexual Exploitation endorsed the bill and now your help is needed and MASSIVELY IMPORTANT!
We need the movement to end sexual exploitation, made up of passionate advocates such as yourself, to take a moment to advocate to Congress the importance of passing this bill. Members of Congress are MOST responsive to requests from people who live in their congressional district because these people are their constituents—the ones who elect the representative to office.
To make things easy, we’ve made an easy-to-use action ([link removed]) that allows you to quickly email, tweet, and/or call your elected Representative in order to express your support of H.Res. 721 (the “Fix App Ratings” bill) and to encourage them to support its passage.
This will be such an important victory. Thank you for being a part of it ([link removed])!
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Thankful to serve with you in this movement,
Dawn Hawkins
Sr. Vice President & Executive Director
National Center on Sexual Exploitation
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440 1st Street NW, Suite 840 | Washington, DC 20001 US
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