Gifts are no longer matched after midnight. Please give now!
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Make your gift before midnight

Double your impact before midnight

Dear John,

The deadline to give ends in just a few hours. Will you make a difference right now?

Until midnight, all gifts up to $375,000 are still being matched by a generous donor. This means that your tax-deductible gift before midnight provides double the impact on the rising trend of antisemitism, extremism and hate at home and worldwide.

We’ve done so much in the fight for a just and inclusive society this year, thanks to the support of friends like you. And with your support right now, we can do even more in 2023.

Through your gift, you’ll help make a tremendous difference for so many who suffer from this terrible hate. Please commit to joining us in this fight through your gift before midnight tonight.

And remember — none of us are safe until all of us are safe.

Double your impact now

JG signature
Jonathan Greenblatt
CEO and National Director