
Big News! The Seattle City Council just passed a law banning foreign-influenced corporations like Amazon from spending money to influence local elections.

Will you chip in to help us take on foreign corporate election spending across the country?

Led by Councilmember M. Lorena González, the new ordinance prohibits corporations like Amazon, Facebook, Raytheon, and Bank of America from spending money in Seattle elections because they have more than 1 percent ownership by a single foreign national or more than five percent ownership by multiple foreign nationals.

Free Speech For People is proud to have worked closely with Councilmember González and Fix Democracy First to help draft this legislation. The ordinance builds on Free Speech For People’s work developing similar legislation in St. Petersburg, Florida, which passed in November 2017.

And we’re proud to work with you! Your support for Free Speech For People allows us to retain a hardworking team of lawyers to draft this legislation, provide expert testimony in Seattle, and build public support for this key reform.

This isn’t the end of the road. We’ve helped develop similar legislation to combat foreign corporate money in elections in Massachusetts, Maryland, and New York City. To pass these bills and to defend them against any court challenges brought by the big money interests, we need your help. Will you chip in to help us take on foreign corporate election spending across the country?

The Seattle ordinance has the potential to change the national conversation on campaign finance. If Seattle can curb the influence of a Goliath like Amazon, Americans across the country can fight the tide of foreign corporate money in our elections and restore democracy for we, the people.

You can play a role in ending the scourge of foreign corporate money in American politics. We can build on our victory in Seattle and St. Petersburg by working in Massachusetts, Maryland, New York City, and around the country.

Chip in today to help up put an end to foreign corporate money in our elections.

Thanks for all you do,

Ron Fein (Legal Director, Free Speech For People)

Paid for and authorized by Free Speech For People
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