As we head into 2023, the team at the America First Policy Institute (AFPI) is certain that the America First Movement is alive and STRONGER THAN EVER!
Here’s why: FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER The America First movement has an OFFICIAL plan!
And, Friends, we want you to be one of the first to hear about it.
You see, AFPI was founded in 2021 by some of the most prominent members of the America First Movement…
America First leaders like Larry Kudlow, Kellyanne Conway, Linda McMahon, and Brooke Rollins have poured their time and attention into creating THE ONLY organization that was designed from the very beginning to be the CENTER of the America First movement.
Never before has the America First movement had an official playbook to follow.
But now, thanks to the support of patriots like you, we do.
Friends, before the New Year, we have a special request for you.