Dear John,

Because time is running out to triple your impact, I wanted to make sure you saw my earlier email. Dozens of donkeys, mules, and horses are in urgent need of care right now at the American Fondouk — and thousands more will be treated here in 2023.

Your gift before midnight tonight will be matched by our $50,000 Matching Gift Challenge to provide free veterinary care and save the lives of working animals in Fez, Morocco.

Thank you,
Dr. Ahmed Khairoun

Begin forwarded message:

From: Dr. Ahmed Khairoun [[email protected]]

Sent: Saturday, December 31, 2022 6:00 AM

Subject: Time running out to TRIPLE your gift!

Dear John,

Our $50,000 Matching Gift Challenge ends tonight at midnight, so please act now! As I write this message to you, the American Fondouk has 40 to 50 hospitalized animals, 10 intensive care cases, 30 inpatient and 10 outpatient animals — all needing treatment today.

There are tumors to examine, traumas to be mended — and there is probably an emergency surgery taking place right now as you read this. There are few equine hospitals in the world that could manage the varied and intense caseload we handle at the Fondouk. And we’ve been doing this important work all year with the added stress imposed by price hikes due to inflation and continuing supply chain shortages!

Today you can ease the strain, and make your gift go three times as far, with this match.

Match My Gift Button

The economic health of the entire Fez community rides, quite literally, on the backs of its working animals, and often on the Fondouk’s programs. And these faithful, hard-working animals don’t deserve to live their lives in pain!

Make a gift now that will triple in value to relieve the animals’ suffering... and here’s hoping for better days in 2023!

With my heartfelt thanks,

Dr. Ahmed Khairoun Signature

Dr. Ahmed Khairoun


P.S. Give by midnight to make a gift that will triple in value!


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