Dear Friend of OpenSecrets,

As we look ahead into the new year, I’d like to thank you for your continued commitment to OpenSecrets. Thanks to your determination in revealing how money flows through politics, we have been able to make huge steps forward in the types of data tools and resources we can provide. 

There are only a few hours left to support OpenSecrets in 2022 with a charitable donation, and we still have over $20,000 to go before reaching our year-end goal. Your gift will go to this crucial work that keeps politicians accountable for the money they accept, and allows Americans of all political stripes free public knowledge on how their elections are funded.

Help arm citizens with the tools they need to be informed about money’s influence. Expose shadowy donor networks and massive lobbying schemes. Stand with OpenSecrets against those seeking undue influence through secretive contributions, and help keep our democracy working for and accessible to its citizens.

Today is the last day to make a gift in 2022. Consider making a donation to power the unbiased, comprehensive data analysis and reporting that is needed to make informed decisions about elections and policy issues.

We are proud to work alongside you in our mission. Together, we must continue to follow the money so that we can all use this knowledge to create a more vibrant, representative and accountable democracy.
With gratitude,

Sheila Krumholz
Executive Director

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