Dear John,

If you’ve already made your 2022 year-end gift to Earthworks, thank you!

But if you haven’t, please, click HERE now to make an immediate online contribution.

Giving online right now will ensure that you beat the midnight deadline to make your contribution deductible on this year’s taxes.

And it will help make sure we have the resources urgently needed to protect the iconic places that mean so much to us, fight for a sustainable future for our natural world, and give frontline families the crucial support they need to take on giant corporations and complicit policymakers and win their battles for environmental justice.


So please, make your year-end contribution to Earthworks right now.

Thank you so much for whatever you’re able to give this year...and, from all of us here at Earthworks, Happy New Year!


Ann Corbett
Philanthropy Director, Earthworks

P.S. Click HERE now to make an online contribution and beat the midnight deadline. Thanks!


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