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As 2022 comes to a close, we’re so grateful for all you have done to strengthen and protect our democracy.
This year, democracy was on the ballot and FairVote Minnesota made history by electing the largest number of pro-Ranked Choice Voting candidates to the Minnesota House and Senate ever.
Our work in the campaign cycle to help elect pro-RCV candidates is widely recognized as one of, if not the most visible and effective electoral programs that ensured a pro-democracy trifecta.
This effort included strategically identifying candidates in swing districts to support, and knocking an estimated 30,300 doors and calling more than 5,600 voters in those districts to help ensure their victories. Our work was effective and it was noticed, securing the strong and public commitment from House and Senate leadership and Governor Walz to make RCV a priority this session.
In 2023, our hope for RCV statewide is not just a dream but a real opportunity within our reach. We have our plan to pass RCV statewide, and we just need every one of you to join us.
With this unique opportunity, we need to build up our resources by raising another $20,000 to start the new year off strong. Can you rush a donation before midnight tonight to help us reach our final fundraising goal this year? [[link removed]]
Let’s make history!
Thank you,
Team FairVote MN
P.S. Did you know you can also make a gift of stock? Please contact
[email protected] for instructions.
FairVote Minnesota
550 Vandalia Street, Suite 210
Saint Paul, MN 55114
United States
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