Dear friend,
In prison, many people see New Year's Eve as the last day of another year they can tick off their sentence. At FAMM, we're trying to help more people get second chances to get out of prison early. Who knows, maybe someone who marked this year as another year down with ten to go might be out by spring, with our help. With your help, everyone.
Will you add giving second chances to people to your New Year's resolutions with a gift to FAMM?
Today, we're trying to reach our goal of raising $200,000 before midnight — and we're so close! By giving today, you help us give more people second chances because of sentencing reform, compassionate release, or clemency. People like Ernest Boykin, whose story we shared last week. He spent Christmas with his new baby, Ari, this year after being granted compassionate release in 2020.
We want to help bring more people like Ernest home for the holidays in 2023, but to do that, we need your help. Will you give a gift right now to help us reach our goal?
Thank you,
Kevin Ring
President, FAMM