Open before midnight.

Friend — Midnight is a major fundraising deadline for us at LCV, and we’re still short of our goal right now:
Last day to make a year-end contribution

This is a goal that really matters. How much we raise today could transform our campaigns when Congress returns in a few days — we need to keep pushing the White House to take bold action to cut climate and other pollution, and we’re already expecting extreme attacks on the environment coming from House Republicans.

They’re hell-bent on delivering a wishlist to their Big Oil executive cronies, already rolling in record profits:
  • Major expansions offering up public lands for fossil fuel production. 
  • A green light on restarting construction of the Keystone XL pipeline (despite the massive failure and oil disaster from the existing Keystone pipeline). 
  • And a provision to completely gut the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) — the law that requires environmental impact studies for projects like pipelines, highways, and drilling on public lands.
Friend: House Republicans NEED to face a swift and fierce response from the environmental movement to point out just how extreme and unprincipled their agenda is. But what happens in 2023 is going to come down to YOU.

Please, before the year ends, make a gift to the League of Conservation Voters. We need to raise $25,000 to make our voice heard on Capitol Hill. Make a gift today — even $5 can make a difference.

I want you to know — this is a fight we can win. I know because I’ve seen what we can achieve when the environmental movement organizes in a major way. Here are just a few examples of what you helped achieve this year:
  • After a decade of work, we passed historic climate legislation — the Inflation Reduction Act — into law. This year, our nation made truly historic progress to protect people and the planet. In August, Congress passed and President Biden signed into law the Inflation Reduction Act, which contains roughly $370 billion in transformative investments for clean energy, energy security, and environmental justice. 
  • You turned out to vote, expanding environmental leadership in the Senate and creating a “green wave” in the states. Voter support for candidates who back strong climate action was in abundant evidence this year, as against long odds, political headwinds, and historical trends, voters turned out and delivered a clear victory for climate and democracy in the 2022 elections.
  • We expanded protections for public lands with the historic designation of Camp Hale-Continental Divide National Monument. After years of campaigning and pressure from the movement, President Biden designated Camp Hale-Continental Divide National Monument in Colorado, the first national monument his administration has declared — AND we expect President Biden to soon designate Avi Kwa Ame, or Spirit Mountain, as a National Monument in Nevada.
We need to keep this kind of work going — not just to block extremist Republican attempts to ramp up drilling, but to EXPAND clean energy, to PROTECT clean air, clean water, and our climate, and to ADVANCE environmental justice.

So, we’re asking one last time:

This is the last time you’ll hear from us in 2022. Make your year-end contribution now.

THANK YOU, Friend, for everything you've done this year, and for all that you will do in the next one.


Gene Karpinski 
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