Dear John, Will you make a tax-deductible gift today to PRH to help fight against the criminalization of pregnancy?
We know that those living on low incomes and people of color are more likely to be targeted and criminalized for their pregnancy outcomes. Whether it is suspicion of self-managed abortion, unconsented drug testing during pregnancy, or experiencing a miscarriage, for decades, pregnant people across the country have been arrested, subjected to prosecution, separated from their children, and have had medical interventions forced upon them because of their pregnancy outcomes.
You can help us work with partners to educate health care providers on the moral imperative to resist all efforts to criminalize health care and support the agency of the people we care for to make the decisions that are best for them and their families. Will you join this fight with a gift today?
Jamila Perritt, MD MPH FACOG President & CEO She/Her/Hers |