There are some things you should know about this race, folks:

FACT: Major public polls show John Hickenlooper defeating Republican incumbent Cory Gardner and flipping this Senate seat blue -- making this race the best chance Democrats have to take back the Senate this year.

FACT: Gardner is a rubber stamp for the GOP’s agenda, and his approval rating is south of 40% because Coloradans are fed up with his failed leadership and putting Washington Republicans before us.

FACT: The GOP knows Gardner is in trouble, so they’re dumping buckets of cash into this race to try to save him. We’re anticipating attacks against John any day now.

We’ve got the advantage in this race. But the GOP’s influx of cash could jeopardize our lead. We need your help to send Gardner packing and secure victory in November, so we’re asking:

Can you add a donation of $10 or more toward our very first fundraising deadline of 2020? We’ve set a goal of raising $100,000 by Friday so every dollar you give makes a meaningful difference for a deadline this important.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thanks for pitching in,

— Team Hick