I have a story to tell you about Oliver, who started his journey with us even before he was born.
"There was a big black hole on the ultrasound—it was very scary. His bladder had expanded so much it was crushing him." This was the first time Oliver's parents, Violet and Lionel, discovered that their unborn child was in trouble.
Moments like these—when a family needs all the care and compassion in the world—are the hardest, most important times for children who need specialized care. This is why I want Children's Hospital Los Angeles to be available to every family and child in their most extreme time of need, John. It's why I get out of bed every day—to ensure our patients can receive the care that can change their lives and their families' lives.
Your tax-deductible gift of $10 or more to the Children's Fund today goes 3X as far to ensure we provide leading-edge care to every child who walks through our doors.

Born with a rare genetic disorder, Prune-Belly syndrome, only one functioning kidney and other health issues—Oliver needed lots of care from specialists around the hospital. At times, Oliver got to return home with his family but spent much of his first year as an inpatient at Children's Hospital Los Angeles. The hospital was "our second home," says his mom.
In 2022, Oliver's doctors agreed it was time for a kidney transplant—and luckily Violet was a good match. After a few days of recovery from the transplant in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, Oliver bloomed. "He was a whole different kid," his mom says, "with energy and zest for life." He quickly began pulling himself up in his crib to stand and taking sideways "cruises."
John, with your support we'll keep changing—and saving—lives like Oliver's. Make a tax-deductible year-end gift of $10 before Dec. 31 and it will be TRIPLE-MATCHED thanks to an anonymous donor, dollar for dollar, up to $300,000.

We are fortunate that Children's Hospital Los Angeles has a vibrant Artists Program—and music therapy team members who play instruments and sing with kids like Oliver to help make the hospital a brighter, happier place for our young patients.
At nearly 3.5 years old, Oliver loves superhero characters, big sister Emelia and playing the drums while singing all the words to "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star." He has already undergone 15 surgeries at Children's Hospital Los Angeles in his young life—and has come through them so cheerfully that his nurses nicknamed him "Mr. Happy."
This is what we want for every child at Children's Hospital Los Angeles—and that's what your gift today can help accomplish. Please give as generously as you can. Right now, every $1 becomes $3 ... every $100 becomes $300 ... and every $1,000 becomes $3,000 when you give before midnight tomorrow, thanks to an anonymous donor.
But outcomes like Oliver's come through determined care and groundbreaking research—and that is made possible by supporters like you. Please, make your year-end gift now.
Alexandra Carter, MBA, CFRE
Senior Vice President and Chief Development Officer
Children's Hospital Los Angeles