Hi there,
If you’re like me … maybe you’re sitting at home right now, surrounded by family and friends, watching a movie with some hot cocoa in hand (mine has marshmallows). And as you look around at all the love in the room, you think back on the past year and ponder what’s to come in 2023.
If this year has taught me anything, it’s how lucky we are to have these little moments of peace and gratitude. Because for over 110 million children around the globe impacted by conflict, catastrophe and climate change, these moments of peace may not come. That’s why as we head into 2023, UNICEF has launched an action plan to raise funding to help the world’s most vulnerable children. |
UNICEF knows how to best reach children facing the greatest risk and need. Swift action from people like you can impact more lives, while also building a foundation for a brighter future. I know times are tough — inflation is affecting all of us, and giving may not be at the top of your list. But the most vulnerable children are also feeling these effects, which makes it all the more important to give if you can.
Take a moment this season to enjoy time with your loved ones, but also to think about those who aren’t as fortunate. Help us get 2023 off to a great start for the world’s children — please donate now and we’ll multiply the impact of your gift times five.
Thank you for everything you do,
Shannon Coffey