As the year comes to a close, it is a time for reflection, giving thanks, and exchanging gifts, so we wrapped up some Census Bureau data and highlights for you to enjoy.?
Celebrate the holiday season?with holiday-related facts and figures on our December?By the Numbers page.
Revisit some of the key demographic and economic trends and shifts that reshaped the nation in 2022 on America Counts.
And keep an eye on our social media channels?for a fun video of 2022 highlights.
Thank you for following along and continuing to support the Census Bureau mission!
 Census Director Champions Equity and Inclusion in Discussions with Partners
Director Santos with students and recent graduates of Xavier University and Southern University
Census Bureau Director Robert L. Santos continued to champion the importance of data equity, diversity, and inclusion in conversations with corporate, nonprofit, and university partners in November and December.
The director met with students and recent graduates of Xavier University and Southern University to discuss our ongoing work and opportunities with the Census Bureau. He spoke with University of Maryland faculty and students about the Census Bureau?s commitment to producing data that depict an accurate portrait of America, including its underserved communities.
He participated in a discussion about ensuring a fair and accurate count of the Latino community in the 2030 Census alongside the Unity Council and the Latino Community Foundation.
And he talked with partners like AT&T and the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce about helping to raise awareness of the upcoming 2022 Economic Census.?
Read more from Director Santos in his new blog looking back on 2022.?