Your gift supports organizing workers and Jobs With Justice campaigns across the country..

Dear John,?


We are almost at the end of the year, and I want to make sure you have the opportunity to understand just how much impact your gift has for workers.


Your gift is for the gig workers in major cities who do not make minimum wage and work multiple jobs to support their families.?

Your gift?is for the Amazon fulfillment warehouse workers who spent their holidays packaging and sending presents to our loved ones. Despite not having bathroom breaks, paid days off for medical appointments, or family matters, these workers toiled through often horrid conditions to bring home a paycheck.

Your gift is for all the working people who have mobilized across the country to demand a living wage, good benefits, and the right to join together in union.


So please maximize your impact today by making a gift today. Our generous anonymous donor is matching the first $25,000 of donations!




Mackenzie Baris

Deputy Director

Jobs With Justice