Jack, I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to visit Montgomery Woods earlier this month. Let me tell you, it was more spectacular than I ever could have imagined!
Here’s a view from my trip!
We are so thankful for the many donors who have already contributed to help the Montgomery Woods Initiative, with the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation matching all gifts up to $250k!
Rush your gift before midnight tomorrow!
We’re in the home stretch here, and we are so close to hitting our match goal to fulfill the next step of the Montgomery Woods Initiative.
Will you pitch in now – and see your gift matched dollar for dollar?
It’s been inspiring to watch the gifts from your fellow redwoods supporters roll in one by one. And to see folks from across the states and the world support our beautiful redwood forests. I am reminded that we’re all part of something bigger and that the work we do with these majestic forests really is making a difference.
Thank you for your support and your passion for the redwoods,
Kate Berry |
P.S. – I can’t thank you all enough for supporting the League. Give before midnight tomorrow to see your dollars doubled and help us hit our goal!