Join activists on Jan 10th and 12th at the Capitol
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Dear Citizen Advocates!

We're so excited!  The opening of the 2023 Texas Legislature is nearly upon us and we have activists from all over the State joining us in Austin for opening day on Jan. 10th, and then again on Jan 12th for the vote on House Rules.  I'm looking forward to seeing the gallery filled with red shirts on both of those days. (the real red wave!)


We are arranging carpools (free of charge) from DFW metroplex, College Station, Leander, and possibly other locations as needed.  We would love to have YOU join us for one or both of these epic Citizen Advocate days at the Capitol.

Here's the details as they stand now (subject to change):

January 10th

Opening day of the TX Legislature is Jan.10.  Both House and Senate will swear in members and the House will elect a Speaker, and we are designating this day as a Day of Prayer at the Capitol.  Carpools will meet up early the morning of the 10th at a convenient location where people can safely leave their cars.  We will try to be at the Capitol by 9:00 am.

I have reserved a conference room for our use to gather, rest, regroup, whatever the need.  We will meet up in room E2.024 from 9:00 to 9:30, break up into teams of 3 to 5 people, and then go all over the Capitol offering prayer in the galleries, the hallways, the offices, wherever the spirit leads us.  We have the room from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. 

In addition to prayers, we can visit our own legislators' offices, and drop off copies of TTP's Legislative Priorities for this session, and observe the first session of the House and Senate.  We'll want to be in the House gallery when the Speaker vote is taken. We don't have a specific time for that yet, but will update you as information becomes available.

January 12th

The 12th is the day we anticipate that the House will vote on the rules for this session, and we will be there to support Rep. Slaton's Resolution to ban Democrat Committee Chairs.  It has been tradition in the House to appoint members of the minority party as chairs of about 40% of the House Committees.  WE THINK THAT'S A REALLY BAD IDEA!  The RPT thinks so too and they made it a legislative priority for this session.  So we'll be in the House gallery when they gavel in that day wearing our "Ban Democrat Chairs" shirts, sending a powerful message.

We will again try to be at the Capitol by about 9:00 am.  This may change as we get clarification of the actual time the House will gavel in.  We will likely just meet up in the Rotunda and go from there.  Specific information will be sent as we obtain the schedule of the day.

Both these trips will be one day trips.  You will leave home early, arrive around 9:00, and be back at home by 7:00 or 8:00 pm.  The TTP carpools are available to anyone who needs a ride at no charge.  We will reimburse the carpool drivers at a fixed mileage rate.

If you have not purchased a "Ban Democrat Chairs" shirt, it is too late to do so now, so just wear something red if you can.  Thousands of people are expected on both days, so be prepared for large crowds, packed elevators, and lots of walking.  Comfy shoes are essential!

Let's fill this gallery with a sea of red!



Other Citizen Advocate Days this Session:

We will plan to have someone at the Capitol every Tuesday for anyone who wants to work/learn/experience the legislative process.  TTP is teaming up with our friends Matt Long and Angela Smith with Fredericksburg Tea Party to ensure that someone is there every Tuesday for those who want to join.

Tuesday Jan. 17:  Inauguration Day (Governor and Lt Governor)

Tuesday Jan. 24:  The Texan.News 88th Session Kickoff - There is a fee for this, but if you're interested, you can register here.  The Little Red Car and I will be going down for the day if you need a ride.

Wed. Jan. 25:  Texans for Vaccine Choice Freedom Fight - join medical freedom advocates at the Capitol for a day legislative action, speakers, and testimonies. 1:00 pm on the south steps.  Details can be found on the TFVC Website.

Stay tuned for more Capitol happenings, and sign up for Citizen Advocate messages at [email protected]



God Bless Texas! (and Texans!)

Fran Rhodes, President, True Texas Project

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