The stakes are HIGH.
Children are up against the most devastating threats of our time: climate-induced disasters, extreme poverty, escalating conflict and increased rates of malnutrition, to name just a few. We can’t let these challenges get ahead of us in 2023.
Your 5X gift sustains UNICEF’s progress >>
Progress to protect the millions of children fleeing war in Ukraine. Progress to bring malnourished children in countries across the Horn of Africa back to health. Progress to keep children learning in Yemen. Progress to help every child around the world.
Making progress is what UNICEF and people like you do. Your gift sustains UNICEF’s position as one of the world’s most uniquely equipped organizations when it comes to responding to children’s emergencies. Extend UNICEF’s impact >> |
How will your dollars make a difference?
Take Afghanistan, where some 28.3 million people, more than 65 percent of the population, are projected to be in need of humanitarian assistance in 2023. This year, in response to cascading crises, UNICEF has treated more than 300,000 children for severe acute malnutrition, reached more than 3.5 million people with safe water and scaled up critical services to reach millions more.
Make a 100% tax-deductible gift that stretches 5X TIMES as far to help UNICEF teams rush relief and make more progress for children in Afghanistan and beyond >>
Thank you so much,