But 2023 brings hope. Hope that we can stem the backlash we’ve been seeing and turn the tide in our favor. For when our diverse communities come together, we can overcome just about any obstacle so long as we put our mind to it.
I know it seems daunting, but we have already come so far, and won countless victories. Even during this difficult year, we’ve collectively managed to pass the first domestic violence law in the Caribbean that prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity as well as making marriage equality become the law of the land in Chile, Cuba, Mexico, Slovenia, and Switzerland, amongst other wins for our communities.
Though our achievements aren’t as widespread as they should be, they are no less important. In 2023, I hope that you will join me in celebrating our victories, while still striving for more.
In solidarity,

Elise Colomer-Cheadle
Director of Development
Outright International
P.S. Remember that many institutions match gifts to Outright and you can easily double or triple the impact of your gift!